Monday, March 31, 2008

a few ideas

yeep! i apologize for not posting sooner! i actually forgot which email/password combination i used to register with blogger so i had to do some trial and error experimentation haha.

anyway, i've done a few multiples projects before, so i've got a few ideas in my head that have been spinning around for a year or so.

i think i might use edible materials. my mom used to take me to cubs games when i was a kid in chicago all the time, we were loyal fans. i never liked peanuts, so she used to bring me m&ms, so i think i might make a baseball glove out of m&ms. that, or a catcher's mask, i thought would be pretty cool.

i also thought about using food in a way. meaning, i would take natural, unprocessed foods like carrots or apples, and do something with them involving their process of decay. although this is probably my favorite idea, i'm not sure what memory or autobiographical element i would connect it to, yet. perhaps my "decayed" relationship with my father over time, he was never active in my life and ended up moving to california when i was little. i think this would be a pretty emotionally charged idea.

i'm planning on making a trip to good will tonight, so i'm going to see if anything inspires me furthur.

let me know what you think!!
thanks, guys.
Lynette edited to add this photo of "What Happens: Blooming Potato (after 3 months), potato, rubies, diamonds, sapphires, 2005-6 by Lauren Fensterstock.


Amanda said...

lemon juice will keep it for a few days, you might want to try polyuratian(yes that SO not how to spell it... lol) i dont know maybe that will help you =^_^=

Sabine said...

Hi, I love your idea of making something out of food! The decayed one might get pretty messy and look really gross after two weeks though. But maybe that's exactly what you're going for. I think it would be really neat if it was still edible after. And if the process of eating it was a meaningful part of the artpiece somehow. Idk, just a random though :)

Lynette said...

I like the decayed food idea myself...there is an artist who does things with decayed potatoes that I need to find for you...I cant remember her name...I will find it!

Lynette said...


melississippi said...

the decayed food would be cool, if you used some sort of fruit i think it would dry and then it wouldn't smell, but it would look like it was decaying (like apple slices, blueberries, or grapes). i actually thought of blueberries b/c it was sort of a "blue" idea, but it could be really meaningful.

tsallen said...

Your decaying food idea seems to be a hit, and i really like it to! But i think the M&M idea would be a lot cooler to look at and it sounds like you have a pretty solid reasoning behind it so my vote is for the M&M idea.