Monday, March 31, 2008

just an idea

So I was thinking for the repetition project that I would use rubber bands, paint them black somehow and paste them on a white foam board to create a piece of wall art somehow... 

I think the white and black contrast will work well and I want to incorporate different ways in which to use the rubber bands. Ways such as, just placing them with the circular shape creating the design, weaving the rubber bands together, cutting and or stretching the rubber bands outward from the board or just along the board.

any ideas/help/comments would be super
... let me know what you think

1 comment:

Sarah said...

this sounds really cool. you might run into problems with the black paint cracking once you stretch the rubber bands to put them on the foam board. it might even be cool to have the rubber bands and the foam board be the same color, in which case you could spray paint the whole thing after you have it assembled.